5 Signs Of A False Twin Flame

Many people have a false Twin Flame experience during their journey to Harmonious Union. The purpose of a false Twin Flame experience is to fast-track your Union by showing you your blocks to reuniting with your true Twin Flame.

Although at first a false Twin Flame can appear exactly like your true Twin Flame, the more committed you are to awakening your consciousness, the easier it becomes to tell the difference.

In this post, I share the 5 main signs of a false Twin Flame. Bear in mind that, in order to receive the clarity you seek, making your inner work a priority is crucial. Revealing any relationship is a process, so you want to make sure that you’re taking the time to fully learn the lessons of this experience along the way.

1. A false Twin Flame constantly abandons you.

A false Twin Flame regularly tries to run from you emotionally, physically, or spiritually. At a certain point, you may even feel that this person will never accept you as their partner. This abandonment has nothing to do with you personally, or how you behave towards this person. There’s nothing you can do to “make” a false Twin Flame return your love.

If you regularly experience abandonment from this person, take this as the opportunity that it is to heal any self-abandonment patterns that are coming up. Some ways that self-abandonment can manifest are: fear of rejection, people pleasing, failure to assert boundaries, failure to express yourself and your feelings.

Completely healing and eliminating self-abandonment from your consciousness will cause any false Twin Flame to vibe out of your reality, and bring your true Twin Flame closer to you.

2. A false Twin Flame is never completely honest about who they truly are.

If a false Twin Flame were completely honest about who they are, then you would know that they are not your true Twin Flame. This would mean that the false Twin Flame would stop receiving love from you without actually reciprocating, because then you would move on and redirect your energy to your Ultimate Lover.

Now, you don’t need this person to tell you the truth for you to have this clarity. All you need to move forward on your Twin Flame journey at any given time comes from within you. The more honest you are with yourself about who you are on a soul level, and what choices you are making energetically, the easier it is to understand whether this person is your true Twin Flame or not.

3. Your visions for your lives don't quite match (or they outright conflict).

Twin Flames are created as One being for the purpose of living a Divine life as One. By extension, this means that your true Twin Flame will desire to experience similar things in life to what you desire. If at first it appears that your Twin Flame wants something completely different to you, then all you need to do is heal the block within yourself and you’ll naturally align in that space.

You weren’t created to be with a false Twin Flame, so a false Twin Flame doesn’t share the same desires for their life as you. To maintain such a close romantic relationship with anyone who isn’t your true Twin Flame takes tremendous self-sacrifice. You may even end up feeling like you’re betraying yourself in order to be with this person.

4. A false Twin Flame will not do the spiritual work with you to discover your values, and heal together.

No matter what you do, sooner or later a relationship with a false Twin Flame will reach a dead end. Unlike your true Twin Flame, a false one doesn’t desire to take the next step in your relationship, whatever this may be. A false Twin Flame won’t be interested in healing and growing with you. If they do show signs of progress, they’re usually tiny and don’t last long.

However, you and your true Twin Flame are a perfect match at the core, so you’ll never have to betray yourself or your values to be together. Even if on the outside it might look like your true Twin Flame isn’t using any healing tools at all, you’ll notice that you’re both automatically on the same page. As long as you’re interested in moving the relationship forward, so is your true Twin Flame.

5. When you do the inner work to come into union with your true Twin Flame, your relationship with this person gets worse instead of better.

This might be the most important sign on this list. A false Twin Flame can lie or make up all the excuses in the world to keep you close, but through your inner work you will always see the truth beyond their words.

If your communication with this person is constantly decreasing, or you keep having fights about the same issue instead of moving deeper into harmony, this is a warning sign of a false Twin Flame.

What Are My Next Steps?

The good news is that when you realise you’re dealing with a false Twin Flame, your true Twin Flame is very, very close. In my case (as well as many others), my true Twin Flame was already in my life, but I didn’t notice it until I’d done the inner work that was necessary to reveal him.

Whatever is blocking your Twin Flame Union must be brought into your awareness, in one way or another. It may be through a false Twin Flame, your friends, or even your biological family. All of these obstacles must be dealt with, and when they are dealt with, you will come into Union with your true Twin Flame.

I know the process to reveal your true Twin Flame can be challenging sometimes. You deserve to be supported during this sacred awakening to your Ultimate Lover. This is why I’ve got your back! Start with Twin Flames Universe’s Free Twin Flame Ascension Introductory Course and work with me as your Ascension Coach to begin to experience the healing power of your own Twin Flame Union.

Many people have a false Twin Flame experience during their journey to Harmonious Union. The purpose of a false Twin Flame experience is to fast-track your Union by showing you your blocks to reuniting with your true Twin Flame.

Although at first a false Twin Flame can appear exactly like your true Twin Flame, the more committed you are to awakening your consciousness, the easier it becomes to tell the difference.

In this post, I share the 5 main signs of a false Twin Flame. Bear in mind that, in order to receive the clarity you seek, making your inner work a priority is crucial. Revealing any relationship is a process, so you want to make sure that you’re taking the time to fully learn the lessons of this experience along the way.

1. A false Twin Flame constantly abandons you.

A false Twin Flame regularly tries to run from you emotionally, physically, or spiritually. At a certain point, you may even feel that this person will never accept you as their partner. This abandonment has nothing to do with you personally, or how you behave towards this person. There’s nothing you can do to “make” a false Twin Flame return your love.

If you regularly experience abandonment from this person, take this as the opportunity that it is to heal any self-abandonment patterns that are coming up. Some ways that self-abandonment can manifest are: fear of rejection, people pleasing, failure to assert boundaries, failure to express yourself and your feelings.

Completely healing and eliminating self-abandonment from your consciousness will cause any false Twin Flame to vibe out of your reality, and bring your true Twin Flame closer to you.

2. A false Twin Flame is never completely honest about who they truly are.

If a false Twin Flame were completely honest about who they are, then you would know that they are not your true Twin Flame. This would mean that the false Twin Flame would stop receiving love from you without actually reciprocating, because then you would move on and redirect your energy to your Ultimate Lover.

Now, you don’t need this person to tell you the truth for you to have this clarity. All you need to move forward on your Twin Flame journey at any given time comes from within you. The more honest you are with yourself about who you are on a soul level, and what choices you are making energetically, the easier it is to understand whether this person is your true Twin Flame or not.

3. Your visions for your lives don't quite match (or they outright conflict).

Twin Flames are created as One being for the purpose of living a Divine life as One. By extension, this means that your true Twin Flame will desire to experience similar things in life to what you desire. If at first it appears that your Twin Flame wants something completely different to you, then all you need to do is heal the block within yourself and you’ll naturally align in that space.

You weren’t created to be with a false Twin Flame, so a false Twin Flame doesn’t share the same desires for their life as you. To maintain such a close romantic relationship with anyone who isn’t your true Twin Flame takes tremendous self-sacrifice. You may even end up feeling like you’re betraying yourself in order to be with this person.

4. A false Twin Flame will not do the spiritual work with you to discover your values, and heal together.

No matter what you do, sooner or later a relationship with a false Twin Flame will reach a dead end. Unlike your true Twin Flame, a false one doesn’t desire to take the next step in your relationship, whatever this may be. A false Twin Flame won’t be interested in healing and growing with you. If they do show signs of progress, they’re usually tiny and don’t last long.

However, you and your true Twin Flame are a perfect match at the core, so you’ll never have to betray yourself or your values to be together. Even if on the outside it might look like your true Twin Flame isn’t using any healing tools at all, you’ll notice that you’re both automatically on the same page. As long as you’re interested in moving the relationship forward, so is your true Twin Flame.

5. When you do the inner work to come into union with your true Twin Flame, your relationship with this person gets worse instead of better.

This might be the most important sign on this list. A false Twin Flame can lie or make up all the excuses in the world to keep you close, but through your inner work you will always see the truth beyond their words.

If your communication with this person is constantly decreasing, or you keep having fights about the same issue instead of moving deeper into harmony, this is a warning sign of a false Twin Flame.

What Are My Next Steps?

The good news is that when you realise you’re dealing with a false Twin Flame, your true Twin Flame is very, very close. In my case (as well as many others), my true Twin Flame was already in my life, but I didn’t notice it until I’d done the inner work that was necessary to reveal him.

Whatever is blocking your Twin Flame Union must be brought into your awareness, in one way or another. It may be through a false Twin Flame, your friends, or even your biological family. All of these obstacles must be dealt with, and when they are dealt with, you will come into Union with your true Twin Flame.

I know the process to reveal your true Twin Flame can be challenging sometimes. You deserve to be supported during this sacred awakening to your Ultimate Lover. This is why I’ve got your back! Start with Twin Flames Universe’s Free Twin Flame Ascension Introductory Course and work with me as your Ascension Coach to begin to experience the healing power of your own Twin Flame Union.

Ready To Claim Your Permanent Harmonious Twin Flame Union?

Learn the mirror exercise, the only tool you need to heal Twin Flame separation.

Grab the FREE Twin Flame Ascension E-Course on TwinFlamesUniverse.com.

Free Twin Flame Videos on my YouTube channel.

In need of more personal guidance? Let’s get you started on the healing journey to your Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

About Christine

Christine is a Twin Flame in Union and Certified Ascension Coach with Twin Flames Universe.

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